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Juni 22, 2012

Cerita Motivasi Tentang Monyet

Seorang profesor sedang mengadakan penelitian terhadap beberapa ekor monyet.  Monyet A dan monyet B dimasukkan kesebuah ruangan tertutup yang didalamnya diletakkan sebatang tiang, dimana pada puncak tiang itu terdapat satan dan pisang. Monyet A mulai memanjat tiang itu, pada saat yg bersamaan sang profesor menyiramkan air sehingga terpelesetlah monyet A dan jatuh. Monyet A berusaha untuk memanjat lagi, tapi karena licin, kembali dia terjatuh, begitu seterusnya, sehingga monyet A menyerah. 
Kemudian giliran monyet B, melakukan hal yg sama dengan monyet A, berulang kali mencoba dan jatuh, menyerah jugalah monyet B.
Kemudian, sang profesor memasukkan monyet C kedalam ruangan tersebut. Monyet C ingin memanjat tiang tsb, sebelum hal itu terjadi, monyet A dan monyet B dengan semangat menasehati monyet C untuk tidak mengalami hal yang konyol yaitu terpeleset dan jatuh.
"Percuma kamu memanjat tiang itu, kami berdua sudah mencoba berulang kali tetapi selalu gagal". Akhirnya monyet C menuruti nasehat kedua monyet itu, dia tidak berusaha mencoba memanjat lebih dahulu.
Kemudian sang profesor mengeluarkan monyet A dan B, dimasukkannyalah monyet D dan monyet E. 
Monyet D dan monyet E ingin sekali memanjat tiang itu, tetapi monyet C mencoba menasehati mereka untuk tidak sekali-kali memanjatnya kalau tidak ingin terpeleset dan jatuh. 
Monyet D mendengar dan mematuhi nasehat tsb, dia tidak berusaha untuk memanjat.
Tapi lain halnya dengan monyet E, dia tidak mendengarkan nasehat itu, dia tidak terpengaruh dengan nasehat itu, dia mulai mencoba untuk memanjat. "Apa salahnya mencoba" pikir monyet E Karena sang profesor tidak memberi air lagi pada tiang itu, monyet E akhirnya dapat mencapai puncak dan mendapatkan pisang.

Apa moral cerita ini?
Mari kita pelajari bersama dari karakter monyet-monyet di dalam cerita ini.

Monyet A & Monyet B :
  • ·         Mudah menyerah karena keadaan (tantangan / halangan / rintangan) yang dihadapi.
  • ·         Penghasut orang lain untuk mengikuti jejak mereka.
  • ·         Tidak mencoba (berusaha) lagi untuk mendapatkan hasil dan akhirnya dikeluarkan.

Berusaha lebih dari satu kali (melakukan hal yang sama) untuk memperoleh hasil yang diinginkan merupakan hal yang baik. Namun yang tidak baik disini adalah karakter yang mudah menyerah dan menghasut orang lain untuk tidak berusaha. Jangan cepat menyerah!!
Jangan juga menghasut orang lain untuk tidak berusaha!! Biarkan orang itu berusaha dan menghadapi tantangan sendiri, jika perlu bantu mereka menghadapi tantangan bersama.
Gali seluruh potensi yang ada di dalam diri kita sebanyak-banyaknya.

Monyet C & monyet D :
  • ·         Mudah percaya dengan orang lain tanpa bukti dan tindakan apa-apa.
  • ·         Takut gagal, padahal belum mencoba.

Umumnya semua manusia melihat sesuatu yang nyata. Jangan mudah percaya dengan perkataan orang lain apalagi yang negatif!!
Sukses itu harus kita raih, dan tidak ada yang mudah. Kita harus berusaha walaupun sakit. Lakukan apa saja, merangkak, melompat, bergelantungan, apa saja, asal JANGAN MENYERAH!!
Jika kita tidak pernah mencoba, kita sudah pasti tidak akan pernah berhasil. Kita berjuang bukan dengan kepandaian, tetapi dengan kegigihan.

Monyet E:
  • ·         Tidak mudah terpengaruh
  • ·         Selalu berjuang & berani mencoba untuk mendapatkan kesuksesan
  • ·         Tidak takut gagal

Kegagalan bukan berarti sukses bukan milik kita. Tidak ada seorangpun didunia ini yang tidak pernah mengalami kegagalan. Orang yang sukses selalu bangkit kembali meskipun sudah jatuh. Kalau kita ingin berhasil, kita harus berani mengambil RESIKO.
Jatuh tujuh kali, bangkit delapan kali. ~Peribahasa Jepang
It’s not about how many times we fall that matters but how many times you get back up that counts. ~Grace Hatton

Semoga Bermanfaat :)
Best Regards 

Juni 21, 2012

About Club Mediteranian

Studi Kasus Mengenai Club Mediteranian

Berdasarkan Konsep Efek Berganda, hal penting yang perlu diperhatikan sebagai akibat kegiatan pariwisata bagi perekonomian suatu daerah atau negara adalah timbulnya kontribusi (sumbangan) yang dihasilkan oleh wisatawan terhadap pendapatan penduduk setempat.
Pengeluaran wisatawan di daerah yang dikunjunginya menimbulkan pendapatan dan produk serta jasa baru yang selanjutnya akan merangsang timbulnya pengeluaran dan pendapatan lanjutan.
Mari kita lihat apa manfaat dan masalah yang dapat ditimbulkan dari Club Med ini bagi negara dengan perekonomian maju dan negara berkembang.
a. Negara dengan perekonomian maju (Seperti Italia dan Amerika Serikat)?
Manfaat :

  1. 1.     Menciptakan kesejahteraan masyarakat dengan membuka lapangan pekerjaan baru bagi warga sekitar Club Med antara lain sebagai sebagai local guide, jasa akomodasi, restoran dan lain sebagainya.
  2. 2.     Adanya tujuan wisata yang baru yang dapat di kunjungi oleh masyarakat.
  3. 3.     Pengembangan wilayah - wilayah pedesaan, menjadi tempat tujuan wisata.
  4. 4.     Pariwisata menjadi salah satu sumber devisa.
  5. 5.  Posisi yang bersaing di Amerika dapat memberikan peluang bagi pengusaha wisata lainnya untuk mengembangkan usaha wisatanya.
  6. 6.      Menjaga kelestarian alam sekitar karena konsep daerah wisata dari Club Med adalah pedesaan.
Masalah yang ditimbulkan :

  1. 1.     Citra Club Med yang tidak jelas, dapat mempengaruhi citra negara maju serta berdampak pada devisa negara.
  2. 2.     Perkembangan yang naik turun membuat tidak stabilnya penghasilan yang di dapatkan
  3. 3.     Tidak meratanya perbaikan di setiap tempat, menimbulkan perkembangan yang tidak merata.
  4. 4. Kekurangan pemimpin kantor manajemen yang terlatih dan definisi tanggungjawab pada level manajemen yang tidak jelas akan mempengaruhi perkembangan sektor pariwisata di negara maju
  5. 5.    Kekurangan proses anggaran belanja menghambat proses perkembangan dan pengaturan ulang tempat liburan tersebut di negara maju
  6. 6.  Club Med mengurangi karyawannya dikarenakan untuk membayar gaji karyawan di sektor lain. Sehingga menimbulkan bertambahnya pengangguran di Negara tersebut

b. Negara dengan perekonomian sedang berkembang
Manfaat :
1. Pariwisata menjadi salah satu penghasil devisa bagi negara.
2. Konsep yang baru, menjadi senjata untuk mengembangkan pariwisata di daerah pedesaan di negara - negara bekembang.
3. Sebagai salah satu sarana promosi tujuan wisata di negara - negara berkembang.
4.Memiliki banyak cabang di dunia sehingga dapat meningkatkan kerjasama antara negara-negara berkembang yang termasuk anggotanya.
5. Memperkenalkan budaya asli negara yang bersangkutan melalui adanya wisata yang dibuat Club Med

Masalah yang ditimbulkan :
1. Posisi Club Med yang tidak stabil, bisa menghambat perkembangan pariwisata
2. Citra Club Med yang tidak jelas, mengurangi minat pengunjung.
3. Ketidakjelasan profil konsumen, membuat target pasar yang tidak jelas.
4. Harga yang tinggi, membuat berkurangnya kunjungan ke tempat tujuan wisata.

Semoga bermanfaat :) 

Juni 14, 2012


Surga nyata bawah laut merupakan julukan yang diberikan kepada kawasan Taman Nasional Wakatobi. Berada di pusat segitiga karang dunia (The heart of coral triangle centre), Wakatobi memiliki kekayaan sumberdaya laut yang melimpah dan eksotik. Air laut yang sangat jernih, terumbu karang yang mempesona dan dihuni oleh beragam hewan laut seperti ikan paus, ikan duyung, ikan lumba-lumba, ikan napoleon dan berbagai jenis ikan hias lainnya serta berbagai jenis tumbuhan laut layaknya sebuah taman di lautan. Selain itu, pantainya yang elok dihiasi pasir putih membentang menyempurnakan keindahan kepulauan Wakatobi. Kecantikan Wakatobi inilah yang selalu memberi kesan tak terlupakan bagi siapa saja yang pernah mengunjunginya. Dan sudah banyak yang mengakui bahwa Taman Nasional Wakatobi merupakan taman laut terindah dan terumbu karang terbaik di dunia.

Apa yang dikatakan Firmansyah mengenai empat hal yang mesti dibenahi memang benar. Mengikutsertakan masyarakat setempat dalam pengembangan suatu daerah wisata adalah hal yang mutlak diperlukan.

Namun yang perlu menjadi perhatian disini adalah Industri Ekonomi kreatif yang akan dikembangkan di Wakatobi sendiri. Apa yang akan dilakukan masyarakat? Potensi ekonomi kreatif seperti apa yang akan dikembangkan? Firmansyah mengatakan bahwa “.....disana banyak kerang-kerangan yang bisa dikembangkan menjadi kerajinan bernilai ekonomi tinggi.” Saya rasa, sosialisasi mengenai jenis kerang-kerangan yang boleh dijadikan kerajinan perlu dilakukan oleh pemerintah melalui pengelola wisata Wakatobi ini sendiri untuk menghindari keadaan yang tidak diinginkan seperti rusaknya ekosistem bawah laut karena masyarakat mencari kerang yang tidak boleh diambil demi menciptakan hasil kerajinan yang indah, dll.

Kawasan perairan laut Wakatobi yang terletak di pusat segi tiga terumbu karang dunia memiliki keindahan alam bawah laut yang sangat menakjubkan, mengharuskan kita untuk menjaga dan melestarikan kekayaan alam kita ini. Kedekatan masyarakat sekitar dengan laut harus menjadi dorongan untuk melakukan pengelolaan secara tradisional agar terjaga keberlanjutannya. Pengembangan wisata disini harus ramah lingkungan, sesuai peraturan dan juga sistem zonasi kawasan ini.

Promosi juga harus dilakukan ke negara-negara yang warganya memiliki kecenderungan tinggi dalam melakukan perjalanan wisata khususnya Eropa (seperti yang sudah dipaparkan dalam artikel).

Semoga bermanfaat.

April 27, 2012

Beauty and the Beast Jeanne-Marie LePrince de Beaumont

There was once a very rich merchant, who had six children, three sons, and three daughters; being a man of sense, he spared no cost for their education, but gave them all kinds of masters. His daughters were extremely handsome, especially the youngest. When she was little everybody admired her, and called her "The little Beauty;" so that, as she grew up, she still went by the name of Beauty, which made her sisters very jealous.

The youngest, as she was handsomer, was also better than her sisters. The two eldest had a great deal of pride, because they were rich. They gave themselves ridiculous airs, and would not visit other merchants' daughters, nor keep company with any but persons of quality. They went out every day to parties of pleasure, balls, plays, concerts, and so forth, and they laughed at their youngest sister, because she spent the greatest part of her time in reading good books.

As it was known that they were great fortunes, several eminent merchants made their addresses to them; but the two eldest said, they would never marry, unless they could meet with a duke, or an earl at least. Beauty very civilly thanked them that courted her, and told them she was too young yet to marry, but chose to stay with her father a few years longer.

All at once the merchant lost his whole fortune, excepting a small country house at a great distance from town, and told his children with tears in his eyes, they must go there and work for their living. The two eldest answered, that they would not leave the town, for they had several lovers, who they were sure would be glad to have them, though they had no fortune; but the good ladies were mistaken, for their lovers slighted and forsook them in their poverty. As they were not beloved on account of their pride, everybody said; they do not deserve to be pitied, we are very glad to see their pride humbled, let them go and give themselves quality airs in milking the cows and minding their dairy. But, added they, we are extremely concerned for Beauty, she was such a charming, sweet-tempered creature, spoke so kindly to poor people, and was of such an affable, obliging behavior. Nay, several gentlemen would have married her, though they knew she had not a penny; but she told them she could not think of leaving her poor father in his misfortunes, but was determined to go along with him into the country to comfort and attend him. Poor Beauty at first was sadly grieved at the loss of her fortune; "but," said she to herself, "were I to cry ever so much, that would not make things better, I must try to make myself happy without a fortune."

When they came to their country house, the merchant and his three sons applied themselves to husbandry and tillage; and Beauty rose at four in the morning, and made haste to have the house clean, and dinner ready for the family. In the beginning she found it very difficult, for she had not been used to work as a servant, but in less than two months she grew stronger and healthier than ever. After she had done her work, she read, played on the harpsichord, or else sung whilst she spun.

On the contrary, her two sisters did not know how to spend their time; they got up at ten, and did nothing but saunter about the whole day, lamenting the loss of their fine clothes and acquaintance. "Do but see our youngest sister," said they, one to the other, "what a poor, stupid, mean-spirited creature she is, to be contented with such an unhappy dismal situation."

The good merchant was of quite a different opinion; he knew very well that Beauty outshone her sisters, in her person as well as her mind, and admired her humility and industry, but above all her humility and patience; for her sisters not only left her all the work of the house to do, but insulted her every moment.

The family had lived about a year in this retirement, when the merchant received a letter with an account that a vessel, on board of which he had effects, was safely arrived. This news had liked to have turned the heads of the two eldest daughters, who immediately flattered themselves with the hopes of returning to town, for they were quite weary of a country life; and when they saw their father ready to set out, they begged of him to buy them new gowns, headdresses, ribbons, and all manner of trifles; but Beauty asked for nothing for she thought to herself, that all the money her father was going to receive, would scarce be sufficient to purchase everything her sisters wanted.

"What will you have, Beauty?" said her father.

"Since you have the goodness to think of me," answered she, "be so kind to bring me a rose, for as none grows hereabouts, they are a kind of rarity." Not that Beauty cared for a rose, but she asked for something, lest she should seem by her example to condemn her sisters' conduct, who would have said she did it only to look particular.

The good man went on his journey, but when he came there, they went to law with him about the merchandise, and after a great deal of trouble and pains to no purpose, he came back as poor as before.

He was within thirty miles of his own house, thinking on the pleasure he should have in seeing his children again, when going through a large forest he lost himself. It rained and snowed terribly; besides, the wind was so high, that it threw him twice off his horse, and night coming on, he began to apprehend being either starved to death with cold and hunger, or else devoured by the wolves, whom he heard howling all round him, when, on a sudden, looking through a long walk of trees, he saw a light at some distance, and going on a little farther perceived it came from a palace illuminated from top to bottom. The merchant returned God thanks for this happy discovery, and hastened to the place, but was greatly surprised at not meeting with any one in the outer courts. His horse followed him, and seeing a large stable open, went in, and finding both hay and oats, the poor beast, who was almost famished, fell to eating very heartily; the merchant tied him up to the manger, and walking towards the house, where he saw no one, but entering into a large hall, he found a good fire, and a table plentifully set out with but one cover laid. As he was wet quite through with the rain and snow, he drew near the fire to dry himself. "I hope," said he, "the master of the house, or his servants will excuse the liberty I take; I suppose it will not be long before some of them appear."

He waited a considerable time, until it struck eleven, and still nobody came. At last he was so hungry that he could stay no longer, but took a chicken, and ate it in two mouthfuls, trembling all the while. After this he drank a few glasses of wine, and growing more courageous he went out of the hall, and crossed through several grand apartments with magnificent furniture, until he came into a chamber, which had an exceeding good bed in it, and as he was very much fatigued, and it was past midnight, he concluded it was best to shut the door, and go to bed.

It was ten the next morning before the merchant waked, and as he was going to rise he was astonished to see a good suit of clothes in the room of his own, which were quite spoiled; certainly, said he, this palace belongs to some kind fairy, who has seen and pitied my distress. He looked through a window, but instead of snow saw the most delightful arbors, interwoven with the beautifullest flowers that were ever beheld. He then returned to the great hall, where he had supped the night before, and found some chocolate ready made on a little table. "Thank you, good Madam Fairy," said he aloud, "for being so careful, as to provide me a breakfast; I am extremely obliged to you for all your favors."

The good man drank his chocolate, and then went to look for his horse, but passing through an arbor of roses he remembered Beauty's request to him, and gathered a branch on which were several; immediately he heard a great noise, and saw such a frightful Beast coming towards him, that he was ready to faint away.

"You are very ungrateful," said the Beast to him, in a terrible voice; "I have saved your life by receiving you into my castle, and, in return, you steal my roses, which I value beyond any thing in the universe, but you shall die for it; I give you but a quarter of an hour to prepare yourself, and say your prayers."

The merchant fell on his knees, and lifted up both his hands, "My lord," said he, "I beseech you to forgive me, indeed I had no intention to offend in gathering a rose for one of my daughters, who desired me to bring her one."

"My name is not My Lord," replied the monster, "but Beast; I don't love compliments, not I. I like people to speak as they think; and so do not imagine, I am to be moved by any of your flattering speeches. But you say you have got daughters. I will forgive you, on condition that one of them come willingly, and suffer for you. Let me have no words, but go about your business, and swear that if your daughter refuse to die in your stead, you will return within three months."

The merchant had no mind to sacrifice his daughters to the ugly monster, but he thought, in obtaining this respite, he should have the satisfaction of seeing them once more, so he promised, upon oath, he would return, and the Beast told him he might set out when he pleased, "but," added he, "you shall not depart empty handed; go back to the room where you lay, and you will see a great empty chest; fill it with whatever you like best, and I will send it to your home," and at the same time Beast withdrew.

"Well," said the good man to himself, "if I must die, I shall have the comfort, at least, of leaving something to my poor children." He returned to the bedchamber, and finding a great quantity of broad pieces of gold, he filled the great chest the Beast had mentioned, locked it, and afterwards took his horse out of the stable, leaving the palace with as much grief as he had entered it with joy. The horse, of his own accord, took one of the roads of the forest, and in a few hours the good man was at home.

His children came round him, but instead of receiving their embraces with pleasure, he looked on them, and holding up the branch he had in his hands, he burst into tears. "Here, Beauty," said he, "take these roses, but little do you think how dear they are like to cost your unhappy father," and then related his fatal adventure. Immediately the two eldest set up lamentable outcries, and said all manner of ill-natured things to Beauty, who did not cry at all.

"Do but see the pride of that little wretch," said they; "she would not ask for fine clothes, as we did; but no truly, Miss wanted to distinguish herself, so now she will be the death of our poor father, and yet she does not so much as shed a tear."

"Why should I," answered Beauty, "it would be very needless, for my father shall not suffer upon my account, since the monster will accept of one of his daughters, I will deliver myself up to all his fury, and I am very happy in thinking that my death will save my father's life, and be a proof of my tender love for him."

"No, sister," said her three brothers, "that shall not be, we will go find the monster, and either kill him, or perish in the attempt."

"Do not imagine any such thing, my sons," said the merchant, "Beast's power is so great, that I have no hopes of your overcoming him. I am charmed with Beauty's kind and generous offer, but I cannot yield to it. I am old, and have not long to live, so can only loose a few years, which I regret for your sakes alone, my dear children."

"Indeed father," said Beauty, "you shall not go to the palace without me, you cannot hinder me from following you." It was to no purpose all they could say. Beauty still insisted on setting out for the fine palace, and her sisters were delighted at it, for her virtue and amiable qualities made them envious and jealous.

The merchant was so afflicted at the thoughts of losing his daughter, that he had quite forgot the chest full of gold, but at night when he retired to rest, no sooner had he shut his chamber door, than, to his great astonishment, he found it by his bedside; he was determined, however, not to tell his children, that he was grown rich, because they would have wanted to return to town, and he was resolved not to leave the country; but he trusted Beauty with the secret, who informed him, that two gentlemen came in his absence, and courted her sisters; she begged her father to consent to their marriage, and give them fortunes, for she was so good, that she loved them and forgave heartily all their ill usage. These wicked creatures rubbed their eyes with an onion to force some tears when they parted with their sister, but her brothers were really concerned. Beauty was the only one who did not shed tears at parting, because she would not increase their uneasiness.

The horse took the direct road to the palace, and towards evening they perceived it illuminated as at first. The horse went of himself into the stable, and the good man and his daughter came into the great hall, where they found a table splendidly served up, and two covers. The merchant had no heart to eat, but Beauty, endeavoring to appear cheerful, sat down to table, and helped him. "Afterwards," thought she to herself, "Beast surely has a mind to fatten me before he eats me, since he provides such plentiful entertainment." When they had supped they heard a great noise, and the merchant, all in tears, bid his poor child, farewell, for he thought Beast was coming. Beauty was sadly terrified at his horrid form, but she took courage as well as she could, and the monster having asked her if she came willingly; "ye -- e -- es," said she, trembling.

The beast responded, "You are very good, and I am greatly obliged to you; honest man, go your ways tomorrow morning, but never think of coming here again."

"Farewell Beauty, farewell Beast," answered he, and immediately the monster withdrew. "Oh, daughter," said the merchant, embracing Beauty, "I am almost frightened to death, believe me, you had better go back, and let me stay here."

"No, father," said Beauty, in a resolute tone, "you shall set out tomorrow morning, and leave me to the care and protection of providence." They went to bed, and thought they should not close their eyes all night; but scarce were they laid down, than they fell fast asleep, and Beauty dreamed, a fine lady came, and said to her, "I am content, Beauty, with your good will, this good action of yours in giving up your own life to save your father's shall not go unrewarded." Beauty waked, and told her father her dream, and though it helped to comfort him a little, yet he could not help crying bitterly, when he took leave of his dear child.

As soon as he was gone, Beauty sat down in the great hall, and fell a crying likewise; but as she was mistress of a great deal of resolution, she recommended herself to God, and resolved not to be uneasy the little time she had to live; for she firmly believed Beast would eat her up that night.

However, she thought she might as well walk about until then, and view this fine castle, which she could not help admiring; it was a delightful pleasant place, and she was extremely surprised at seeing a door, over which was written, "Beauty's Apartment." She opened it hastily, and was quite dazzled with the magnificence that reigned throughout; but what chiefly took up her attention, was a large library, a harpsichord, and several music books. "Well," said she to herself, "I see they will not let my time hang heavy upon my hands for want of amusement." Then she reflected, "Were I but to stay here a day, there would not have been all these preparations." This consideration inspired her with fresh courage; and opening the library she took a book, and read these words, in letters of gold:

Welcome Beauty, banish fear,
You are queen and mistress here.
Speak your wishes, speak your will,
Swift obedience meets them still.
"Alas," said she, with a sigh, "there is nothing I desire so much as to see my poor father, and know what he is doing." She had no sooner said this, when casting her eyes on a great looking glass, to her great amazement, she saw her own home, where her father arrived with a very dejected countenance. Her sisters went to meet him, and notwithstanding their endeavors to appear sorrowful, their joy, felt for having got rid of their sister, was visible in every feature. A moment after, everything disappeared, and Beauty's apprehensions at this proof of Beast's complaisance.

At noon she found dinner ready, and while at table, was entertained with an excellent concert of music, though without seeing anybody. But at night, as she was going to sit down to supper, she heard the noise Beast made, and could not help being sadly terrified. "Beauty," said the monster, "will you give me leave to see you sup?"

"That is as you please," answered Beauty trembling.

"No," replied the Beast, "you alone are mistress here; you need only bid me gone, if my presence is troublesome, and I will immediately withdraw. But, tell me, do not you think me very ugly?"

"That is true," said Beauty, "for I cannot tell a lie, but I believe you are very good natured."

"So I am," said the monster, "but then, besides my ugliness, I have no sense; I know very well, that I am a poor, silly, stupid creature."

"'Tis no sign of folly to think so," replied Beauty, "for never did fool know this, or had so humble a conceit of his own understanding."

"Eat then, Beauty," said the monster, "and endeavor to amuse yourself in your palace, for everything here is yours, and I should be very uneasy, if you were not happy."

"You are very obliging," answered Beauty, "I own I am pleased with your kindness, and when I consider that, your deformity scarce appears."

"Yes, yes," said the Beast, "my heart is good, but still I am a monster."

"Among mankind," says Beauty, "there are many that deserve that name more than you, and I prefer you, just as you are, to those, who, under a human form, hide a treacherous, corrupt, and ungrateful heart."

"If I had sense enough," replied the Beast, "I would make a fine compliment to thank you, but I am so dull, that I can only say, I am greatly obliged to you."

Beauty ate a hearty supper, and had almost conquered her dread of the monster; but she had like to have fainted away, when he said to her, "Beauty, will you be my wife?"

She was some time before she dared answer, for she was afraid of making him angry, if she refused. At last, however, she said trembling, "no Beast." Immediately the poor monster went to sigh, and hissed so frightfully, that the whole palace echoed. But Beauty soon recovered her fright, for Beast having said, in a mournful voice, "then farewell, Beauty," left the room; and only turned back, now and then, to look at her as he went out.

When Beauty was alone, she felt a great deal of compassion for poor Beast. "Alas," said she, "'tis thousand pities, anything so good natured should be so ugly."

Beauty spent three months very contentedly in the palace. Every evening Beast paid her a visit, and talked to her, during supper, very rationally, with plain good common sense, but never with what the world calls wit; and Beauty daily discovered some valuable qualifications in the monster, and seeing him often had so accustomed her to his deformity, that, far from dreading the time of his visit, she would often look on her watch to see when it would be nine, for the Beast never missed coming at that hour. There was but one thing that gave Beauty any concern, which was, that every night, before she went to bed, the monster always asked her, if she would be his wife. One day she said to him, "Beast, you make me very uneasy, I wish I could consent to marry you, but I am too sincere to make you believe that will ever happen; I shall always esteem you as a friend, endeavor to be satisfied with this."

"I must," said the Beast, "for, alas! I know too well my own misfortune, but then I love you with the tenderest affection. However, I ought to think myself happy, that you will stay here; promise me never to leave me."

Beauty blushed at these words; she had seen in her glass, that her father had pined himself sick for the loss of her, and she longed to see him again. "I could," answered she, "indeed, promise never to leave you entirely, but I have so great a desire to see my father, that I shall fret to death, if you refuse me that satisfaction."

"I had rather die myself," said the monster, "than give you the least uneasiness. I will send you to your father, you shall remain with him, and poor Beast will die with grief."

"No," said Beauty, weeping, "I love you too well to be the cause of your death. I give you my promise to return in a week. You have shown me that my sisters are married, and my brothers gone to the army; only let me stay a week with my father, as he is alone."

"You shall be there tomorrow morning," said the Beast, "but remember your promise. You need only lay your ring on a table before you go to bed, when you have a mind to come back. Farewell Beauty." Beast sighed, as usual, bidding her good night, and Beauty went to bed very sad at seeing him so afflicted. When she waked the next morning, she found herself at her father's, and having rung a little bell, that was by her bedside, she saw the maid come, who, the moment she saw her, gave a loud shriek, at which the good man ran up stairs, and thought he should have died with joy to see his dear daughter again. He held her fast locked in his arms above a quarter of an hour. As soon as the first transports were over, Beauty began to think of rising, and was afraid she had no clothes to put on; but the maid told her, that she had just found, in the next room, a large trunk full of gowns, covered with gold and diamonds. Beauty thanked good Beast for his kind care, and taking one of the plainest of them, she intended to make a present of the others to her sisters. She scarce had said so when the trunk disappeared. Her father told her, that Beast insisted on her keeping them herself, and immediately both gowns and trunk came back again.

Beauty dressed herself, and in the meantime they sent to her sisters who hastened thither with their husbands. They were both of them very unhappy. The eldest had married a gentleman, extremely handsome indeed, but so fond of his own person, that he was full of nothing but his own dear self, and neglected his wife. The second had married a man of wit, but he only made use of it to plague and torment everybody, and his wife most of all. Beauty's sisters sickened with envy, when they saw her dressed like a princess, and more beautiful than ever, nor could all her obliging affectionate behavior stifle their jealousy, which was ready to burst when she told them how happy she was. They went down into the garden to vent it in tears; and said one to the other, in what way is this little creature better than us, that she should be so much happier? "Sister," said the oldest, "a thought just strikes my mind; let us endeavor to detain her above a week, and perhaps the silly monster will be so enraged at her for breaking her word, that he will devour her."

"Right, sister," answered the other, "therefore we must show her as much kindness as possible." After they had taken this resolution, they went up, and behaved so affectionately to their sister, that poor Beauty wept for joy. When the week was expired, they cried and tore their hair, and seemed so sorry to part with her, that she promised to stay a week longer.

In the meantime, Beauty could not help reflecting on herself, for the uneasiness she was likely to cause poor Beast, whom she sincerely loved, and really longed to see again. The tenth night she spent at her father's, she dreamed she was in the palace garden, and that she saw Beast extended on the grass plat, who seemed just expiring, and, in a dying voice, reproached her with her ingratitude. Beauty started out of her sleep, and bursting into tears. "Am I not very wicked," said she, "to act so unkindly to Beast, that has studied so much, to please me in everything? Is it his fault if he is so ugly, and has so little sense? He is kind and good, and that is sufficient. Why did I refuse to marry him? I should be happier with the monster than my sisters are with their husbands; it is neither wit, nor a fine person, in a husband, that makes a woman happy, but virtue, sweetness of temper, and complaisance, and Beast has all these valuable qualifications. It is true, I do not feel the tenderness of affection for him, but I find I have the highest gratitude, esteem, and friendship; I will not make him miserable, were I to be so ungrateful I should never forgive myself." Beauty having said this, rose, put her ring on the table, and then laid down again; scarce was she in bed before she fell asleep, and when she waked the next morning, she was overjoyed to find herself in the Beast's palace.

She put on one of her richest suits to please him, and waited for evening with the utmost impatience, at last the wished-for hour came, the clock struck nine, yet no Beast appeared. Beauty then feared she had been the cause of his death; she ran crying and wringing her hands all about the palace, like one in despair; after having sought for him everywhere, she recollected her dream, and flew to the canal in the garden, where she dreamed she saw him. There she found poor Beast stretched out, quite senseless, and, as she imagined, dead. She threw herself upon him without any dread, and finding his heart beat still, she fetched some water from the canal, and poured it on his head. Beast opened his eyes, and said to Beauty, "You forgot your promise, and I was so afflicted for having lost you, that I resolved to starve myself, but since I have the happiness of seeing you once more, I die satisfied."

"No, dear Beast," said Beauty, "you must not die. Live to be my husband; from this moment I give you my hand, and swear to be none but yours. Alas! I thought I had only a friendship for you, but the grief I now feel convinces me, that I cannot live without you." Beauty scarce had pronounced these words, when she saw the palace sparkle with light; and fireworks, instruments of music, everything seemed to give notice of some great event. But nothing could fix her attention; she turned to her dear Beast, for whom she trembled with fear; but how great was her surprise! Beast was disappeared, and she saw, at her feet, one of the loveliest princes that eye ever beheld; who returned her thanks for having put an end to the charm, under which he had so long resembled a Beast. Though this prince was worthy of all her attention, she could not forbear asking where Beast was.

"You see him at your feet, said the prince. A wicked fairy had condemned me to remain under that shape until a beautiful virgin should consent to marry me. The fairy likewise enjoined me to conceal my understanding. There was only you in the world generous enough to be won by the goodness of my temper, and in offering you my crown I can't discharge the obligations I have to you."

Beauty, agreeably surprised, gave the charming prince her hand to rise; they went together into the castle, and Beauty was overjoyed to find, in the great hall, her father and his whole family, whom the beautiful lady, that appeared to her in her dream, had conveyed thither.

"Beauty," said this lady, "come and receive the reward of your judicious choice; you have preferred virtue before either wit or beauty, and deserve to find a person in whom all these qualifications are united. You are going to be a great queen. I hope the throne will not lessen your virtue, or make you forget yourself. As to you, ladies," said the fairy to Beauty's two sisters, "I know your hearts, and all the malice they contain. Become two statues, but, under this transformation, still retain your reason. You shall stand before your sister's palace gate, and be it your punishment to behold her happiness; and it will not be in your power to return to your former state, until you own your faults, but I am very much afraid that you will always remain statues. Pride, anger, gluttony, and idleness are sometimes conquered, but the conversion of a malicious and envious mind is a kind of miracle."

Immediately the fairy gave a stroke with her wand, and in a moment all that were in the hall were transported into the prince's dominions. His subjects received him with joy. He married Beauty, and lived with her many years, and their happiness -- as it was founded on virtue -- was complete.

Source: The Young Misses Magazine, Containing Dialogues between a Governess and Several Young Ladies of Quality Her Scholars, by Madam Prince de Beaumont, 4th ed., v. 1 (London: C. Nourse, 1783), pp. 45-67. First published in 1756 in France under the title Magasin des enfans, ou dialogues entre une sage gouvernante et plusieure de ses élèves. The first English translation appeared in 1757.

April 24, 2012


Taman Nasional adalah kawasan pelestarian alam yang mempunyai ekosistem asli, dikelola dengan sistem zonasi, yang dapat dimanfaatkan unttuk tujuan penelitian, ilmu pengetahuan, menunjang budidaya, pariwisata dan rekreasi.
Taman Nasional Bali Barat merupakan salah satu kawasan pelestarian alam di Bali yang memiliki ekosistem asli dan merupakan habitat terakhir bagi burung Curik Bali (Leucopsar rothschildi, streesman 1912). Berdasarkan SK Menteri Kehutanan No.493/Kpts-II/1995 tanggal 15 September 1995, telah ditunjuk Taman Nasional Bali Barat dengan luas kawasan 19.002,89 Ha yang terdiri dari 15.587,89 Ha berupa wilayah daratan dan 3.415 Ha berupa perairan yang secara administratif terletak di Kabupaten Jembrana dan Kab. Buleleng.

Keadaan Umum

1.      Letak dan Luas

Secara administrasi pemerintahan, Taman Nasional Bali Barat (TNBB) terletak dalam 2 kabupaten yaitu Kabupaten Buleleng dan Jembrana, Propinsi Bali. Secara geografis terletak antara 8o 05′ 20″ sampai dengan 8o 15′ 25″ LS dan 114o 25′ 00″ sampai dengan 114o 56′ 30″ BT.

2.      Keadaan Kawasan
  • Topografi Topografi kawasan terdiri dari dataran landai (sebagian besar datar), agak curam, dengan ketinggian tempat antara 0 s.d 1.414 mdpl. Terdapat 4 buah gunung yang cukup dikenal dalam kawasan, yaitu Gunung Prapat Agung setinggi ± 310 mdpl, Gunung Banyuwedang ± 430 mdpl, Gunung Klatakan ± 698 mdpl dan Gunung Sangiang yang tertinggi yaitu ± 1002 mdpl. Di perairan laut terdapat 4 pulau yang masuk dalam kawasan TNBB yaitu P. Menjangan ± 175 Ha, P. Burung, P. Gadung, dan P. Kalong.
  • Geologi dan Tanah Berdasarkan Peta Tanah Tinjau P. Bali skala 1 : 250.000 (Pola Rehabilitasi Lahan dan Konservasi Tanah Wilayah DAS Pancoran, Teluk Terima, Balingkang Anyar Unda dan Sema Bor) tahun 1984 formasi Geologi, TNBB sebagian besar terdiri dari Latosol.
  • Iklim dan Hidrologi Berdasarkan Schmidt dan Ferguson, kawasan TNBB termasuk tipe klasifikasi D, E, C dengan curah hujan rata-rata D : 1.064 mm / tahun, E : 972 mm / tahun, dan C : 1.559 mm / tahun.
    Temperatur udara rata-rata 33o C pada beberapa lokasi, kelembaban udara di dalam hutan sekitar 86 %. Sungai-sungai yang ada dalam kawasan TNBB meliputi S. Labuan Lalang, S. Teluk Terima, S. Trenggulun, S. Bajra / Klatakan, S. Melaya, dan S. Sangiang Gede.

3.      Aksesibilitas
Taman Nasional Bali Barat mudah dicapai baik dari Kota Denpasar maupun dari Pelabuhan Gilimanuk. Hal ini karena lokasi taman nasional ini dilalui oleh jalan raya Gilimanuk—Negara maupun jalan raya Gilimanuk—Singaraja. Untuk menuju lokasi, wisatawan dapat menggunakan mobil pribadi atau menggunakan kendaraan umum (bus, taksi, atau carter mobil).
Dari Ibu Kota Propinsi Bali, Denpasar, dapat ditempuh selama ± 3 jam perjalanan darat. Untuk memudahkan perjalanan wisata, maka wisatawan dapat mencapai Taman Nasional Bali Barat dengan dua alternatif. Pertama, apabila memulai perjalanan dari Pelabuhan Gilimanuk, maka wisatawan dapat mengunjungi Kantor Balai Taman Nasional Bali Barat yang berlokasi di Desa Gilimanuk, Kecamatan Melaya, Kabupaten Jembrana. Kantor ini berjarak sekitar 200 km dari Kota Denpasar. Alternatif kedua, apabila wisatawan berangkat dari arah Kota Denpasar atau khusus ingin mengunjungi Pulau Menjangan, maka ada baiknya untuk memulainya dari Teluk Labuhan Lalang. Dari Labuhan/Dermaga Lalang wisatawan dapat dengan mudah menuju Pulau Menjangan atau pulau-pulau kecil lainnya.
Harga tiket untuk menikmati Taman Nasional Bali Barat adalah Rp 2.500,00 per orang untuk wisatawan domestik, dan Rp 20.000,00 untuk wisatawan asing.   

4.      Keadaan Penduduk di Sekitar Kawasan
Seperti penduduk lainnya yang berbatasan langsung dengan hutan yang merupakan kawasan konservasi, ketergantungan penduduk terhadap sumberdaya hutan juga masih cukup tinggi. Ketergantungan ini biasanya terhadap sumberdaya kayu bakar untuk keperluan rumah tangga maupun sumberdaya pakan ternak. Ketergantungan ini tentunya juga sedikit banyak akan mempengaruhi keutuhan dan kelestarian sumberdaya kawasan konservasi. Selain itu, sumberdaya hutan yang seringkali dijadikan komoditi dan diambil dari Taman Nasional oleh penduduk diantaranya satwa-satwa liar.

5.      Sarana Prasarana Pendukung Sekitar Kawasan
Beberapa sarana dan prasarana untuk kepentingan wisata alam yang ada antara lain : beberapa obyek wisata yang berada di dalam kawasan Taman Nasional maupun di sekitar kawasan Taman Nasional. Untuk di dalam kawasan Taman Nasional, kebanyakan berupa wisata budaya yang berupa pura. Beberapa sarana yang dimiliki oleh Taman Nasional diantaranya Information Centre di Kantor Taman Nasional, shelter-shelter yang tersebar di dalam kawasan.

Potensi Kawasan :
TN Bali Barat merupakan kawasan bergelombang dari ringan sampai barat dengan lereng landai. Ketinggian bervariasi dari 0 - 1.144 m dpl. Dengan puncak tertinggi yaitu G. Sangiang. Ada 4 buah pulau dalam kawasan yaitu P. Menjangan, P. Gadung, P. Burung dan P. kalong.
Rata-rata curah hujan antara 972 - 1.559 mm per tahun, suhu udara 33° C, musim kunjungan terbaik yaitu pada bulan Agustus s/d Desember.
TN Bali Barat terdiri dari beberapa ekosistem yaitu hutan mangrove, hutan pantai, hutan musim, hutan hujan daratan rendah, savana, coral, padang lamun, pantai berpasir, perairan laut dangkal dan dalam.
TN Bali Barat mempunyai ± 175 jenis yaitu 14 jenis diantaranya langka antara lain bayur (Pterospermum diversifolium), Ketangi (Lagerstroemia speciosa), Burahol (Steleochocarpus burahol), Cendana (Santalum album), Sonokeling (Dalbergia latifolia), dan lain-lain.
Memiliki keanekaragaman jenis satwa langka antara lain Jalak Bali (Leucopsar rothschildi), Ibis putih kepala hitam (Threskiornis melanocephalus), Gangsa batu coklat (Sula leucogaster), Kijang (Muntiacus muntjak), Trenggiling (Manis javanicus), Landak (Hystric brachyura), Kancil (Tragulus javanicus), Ikan hiu (Carcharodon carcharias), Ikan bendera (Plateak pinnatus), Kima raksasa (Tridacna gigas), dan lain-lain.

Keistimewaan :
Taman Nasional Bali Barat memiliki jenis ekosistem yang unik, yaitu perpaduan antara ekosistem darat dan ekosistem laut. Di kawasan ini, wisatawan dapat menjelajahi ekosistem daratan (hutan), mulai dari hutan musim, hutan hujan dataran rendah, savana, hingga hutan pantai. Sementara pada ekosistem perairan (laut), wisatawan dapat menyaksikan hijaunya hutan mangrove, keelokan pantai, ekosistem coral, padang lamun, serta perairan laut dangkal dan dalam.

Pembagian Zonasi :
Taman Nasional Bali Barat dikelola dengan sistem zonasi, dimana sesuai dengan SK Direktur Jenderal PHKA No.SK.143/IV-KK/2010 tanggal 20 September 2010 tentang Zonasi Taman Nasional Bali Barat, bahwa TN. Bali Barat terbagi menjadi beberapa zona diantaranya : Zona Inti seluas ± 8.023,22 Ha, Zona Rimba ± 6.174,756 Ha, Zona perlindungan Bahari ± 221,741 Ha, Zona Pemanfaatan ± 4.294,43 Ha, Zona Budaya, Religi dan Sejarah seluas ± 50,570 Ha, Zona Khusus ± 3,967 Ha dan Zona Tradisional seluas ± 310,943 Ha. Taman Nasional Bali Barat dapat dimanfaatkan untuk ilmu pengetahuan, penelitian, menunjang budidaya, pariwisata dan rekreasi.

Flora & Fauna
Taman Nasional Bali Barat terdiri dari beberapa tipe vegetasi yaitu hutan mangrove, hutan pantai, hutan musim, hutan hujan dataran rendah, savana, terumbu karang, padang lamun, pantai berpasir, dan perairan laut dangkal dan dalam.
Taman nasional ini memiliki 175 jenis tumbuhan dan 14 jenis diantaranya merupakan tumbuhan langka seperti bayur (Pterospermum javanicum), ketangi (Lagerstroemia speciosa), burahol (Stelechocarpus burahol), cendana (Santalum album), dan sonokeling (Dalbergia latifolia).
Disamping memiliki satwa burung yang endemik dan langka yaitu burung jalak bali (Leucopsar rothschildi), terdapat jenis burung lain seperti jalak putih (Sturnus melanopterus), terucuk (Pycnonotus goiavier), dan ibis putih kepala hitam (Threskiornis melanocephalus).
Di taman nasional ini dapat dijumpai beberapa satwa seperti kijang (Muntiacus muntjak nainggolani), luwak (Pardofelis marmorata), trenggiling (Manis javanica), landak (Hystrix brachyura brachyura), dan kancil (Tragulus javanicus javanicus).
Di taman nasional ini dapat dijumpai beberapa satwa seperti banteng (Bos javanicus javanicus), kijang (Muntiacus muntjak nainggolani), luwak (Pardofelis marmorata), trenggiling (Manis javanica), landak (Hystrix brachyura brachyura), dan kancil (Tragulus javanicus javanicus).
Sedangkan biota laut yang berada di sekitar Pulau Menjangan dan Tanjung Gelap terdiri dari 45 jenis karang diantaranya Halimeda macroloba, Chromisspp., Balistes spp., Zebrasoma spp., dan Ypsiscarus ovifrons; 32 jenis ikan diantaranya ikan bendera (Platax pinnatus), ikan sadar (Siganus lineatus), dan barakuda (Sphyraena jello); 9 jenis molusca laut diantaranya kima selatan (Tridacna derasa), triton terompet (Charonia tritonis), dan kima raksasa (Tridacna gigas).
Burung jalak bali merupakan satwa primadona taman nasional ini, dan termasuk burung pesolek yang senantiasa menyenangi habitat yang bersih, serta jelajah terbangnya tidak pernah jauh. Burung tersebut memerlukan perhatian dan pengawasan ekstra ketat, karena populasinya rendah dan mudah untuk ditangkap.

Taman Nasional Bali Barat memiliki berbagai macam akomodasi dan fasilitas, antara lain pemandu wisata (guide), pondok jaga, pondok wisata (untuk istirahat wisatawan), menara pandang, jalan setapak untuk memudahkan penjelajahan, penyewaan peralatan selam, speed boat, dan lain-lain. Wisatawan yang ingin menyelam dengan menyewadive operator dikenakan biaya sekitar US$ 55 . Harga tersebut sudah termasuk makan siang, sewa perahu, peralatan menyelam, serta ongkos transportasi. (sebelum naik BBM)
Khusus untuk fasilitas penyeberangan ke Pulau Menjangan, wisatawan dapat menyewa perahu dengan mesin tempel. Biaya sewa sebesar Rp 250.000 per empat jam. Apabila ingin menambah waktu penjelajahan, misalnya dengan menjelajahi perairan di sekitar pulau, maka dikenakan biaya tambahan sebesar Rp 20.000 per jam (Juni 2008). Apabila wisatawan memerlukan penginapan, di sekitar Labuhan Lalang maupun di Pelabuhan Gilimanuk banyak terdapat penginapan baik hotel melati, resort, maupun hotel berbintang.

Kegiatan yang ditawarkan :
  • Rekreasi dan pariwisata alam antara lain lintas hutan, pengamatan satwa burung, diving, snorkeling, memancing, berkemah, boating dan lain-lain.
  • Penangkaran Jalak Bali.
  • Penelitian.
  • Wisata budaya dan ziarah ke Makam Mbah Temon dan Jayaprana.

Objek wisata yang bisa dikunjungi :

Beberapa lokasi/obyek yang menarik untuk dikunjungi: 
Kapal. Menyelam dan snorkeling. Bangkai kapal yang telah penuh dengan karang, dimana diantaranya terdapat Acrophora sp. yang mempunyai ukuran garis tengah lebih dari 75 cm.

Pulau Menjangan, Pos Satu, Pos Dua dan Tanjung Gelap. Menyelam dan snorkeling.

Krepyak dan Sumberejo. Pengamatan satwa.

Monumen Lintas Laut dan Makam Jayaprana. Wisata budaya Atraksi budaya di luar taman nasional yaitu Mekepung, Kendang Mebarung dan Jegog yang dilaksanakan pada bulan September dan Oktober, di Negara.

Musim kunjungan terbaik: bulan Agustus s/d Desember setiap tahunnya.

April 17, 2012


     Bagaimanakah cara mengembangkan daerah wisata saat ini dengan keadaan Indonesia yang sekarang ini selalu mengalami bencana alam seperti banjir dan longsor di beberapa daerah?
      Bencana alam memang sering terjadi di beberapa daerah di Indonesia akhir-akhir ini. Bencana alam ini tentu mempengaruhi perkembangan suatu daerah wisata khususnya daerah dimana terjadi bencana alam tersebut. Untuk mengembangkan daerah wisata dengan keadaan yang selalu mengalami bencana alam seperti banjir dan longsor ini dapat dimulai dengan melaksanakan program yang bertujuan untuk meminimalisir resiko kerusakan akibat bencana alam misalnya dengan menanam tanaman yang dapat melindungi dari bencana alam seperti Mangrove.
   Pengembangan daerah wisata pada hakikatnya adalah bagian integral dari pembangunan nasional yang berkelanjutan sebagai pengamalan Pancasila oleh sebab itu harus sesuai dengan aturan yang telah dibuat oleh pemerintah misalnya UU  NOMOR 5 TAHUN 1990 TENTANG KONSERVASI SUMBER DAYA ALAM HUTAN DAN EKOSISTEMNYA serta PERATURAN PEMERINTAH REPUBLIK INDONESIA (PP) NOMOR 47 TAHUN 1997 (47/1997) TENTANG RENCANA TATA RUANG WILAYAH NASIONAL. Disini diatur mengenai bagaimana tata cara pengembangan suatu kawasan wisata khususnya wisata alam yang merupakan bagian dari wilayah nasional Negara Republik Indonesia.

      Apa tujuan dari perluasan daerah tujuan wisata?
Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak yang merupakan kawasan konservasi ini mempunyai fungsi sebagai perlindungan sistem penyangga kehidupan, pengawetan keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan dan satwa, serta pemanfaatan secara lestari sumber daya alam hayati dan ekosistemnya. Kawasan taman nasional ini dikelola dengan sistem zonasi yang terdiri dari zona inti, zona pemanfaatan, dan zona lain sesuai dengan keperluan. Nah, perluasan daerah wisata ini bertujuan untuk memperluas kawasan pelestarian alam dan menambah jumlah koleksi tumbuhan dan atau satwa yang alami dan jenis asli, yang dimanfaatkan bagi kepentingan penelitian, ilmu pengetahuan, pendidikan, menunjang budidaya, budaya, pariwisata dan rekreasi.

     Taman Nasional Gunung Salak adalah salah satu suaka di Indonesia, sama seperti Taman Nasional Gunung Gede-Pangrango Cibodas Jawa Barat, tetapi kebanyakan orang lebih memilih Taman Nasional Gunung Gede-Pangrango Cibodas. Mengapa?
Dibanding dengan Taman Nasional Gunung Gede-Pangrango, arena akses menuju ke Taman Nasional Gunung Salak lumayan sulit dan jalanannya berbatu.
Dan kebanyakan orang lebih memilih Taman Nasional Gunung Gede-Pangrango karena aksesnya yang mudah dengan panorama yang spektakuler merupakan tempat favorit bagi para pengunjung. Di sekitar puncak TN Gunung Gede Pangrango ini juga terdapat  perkebunan teh, taman rekreasi, air terjun, air panas, danau dan fasilitas akomodasi di dalam taman.

    Apakah Taman Nasional Gunung Gede-Pangrango Cibodas mempunyai kelebihan dari Taman Nasional Gunung Salak?
TNGGP dan TNGHS memiliki ekosistem hutan hujan tropis pegunungan dengan karakteristik yang hampir sama. Menurut saya kedua Taman Nasional ini memiliki karakterisitik dan keindahan masing-masing yang membuat mereka unik. Tidak ada yang saling melebihi, namun keduanya saling melengkapi. Hanya saja, banyak orang yang lebih memilih untuk pergi ke TNGGP karena alasan mereka tersendiri seperti akses yang mudah dan fasilitas yang lebih lengkap. Namun untuk beberapa orang yang memliki minat khusus, mereka lebih memilih untuk ke TNGHS karena treknya yang menantang dan membutuhkan keahlian khusus.
    Bagaimana cara mengembangkan daerah Taman Nasional Gunung Salak pada saat kondisi seperti ini yg dimana sering terjadi bencana alam?
Pengembangan daerah wisata Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak harus didasarkan atas prinsip-prinsip dan keterpaduan ekologi tanpa mengabaikan kondisi fisiknya dan bertujuan untuk melindungi dan memelihara keunikan ekosistem dan kekayaan alamnya serta memanfaatkan secara lestari untuk kepentingan generasi sekarang dan generasi yang akan datang. Saat ini sudah ada perkumpulan yang bernama GEDEPAHALA yang dibentuk dalam rangka merevitalisasi dan mempercepat akselerasi kinerja Konsorsium GEDEPAHALA [Gede-Pangrango-Halimun-Salak] yang sudah ada. 
Point penting dari didirikannya perkumpulan GEDEPAHALA adalah untuk mewujudkan terbentuknya koridor antara Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango (TNGGP) dan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak (TNGHS) sebagai satu kesatuan ekosistem (termasuk manusia di dalamnya) melalui implementasi berbagai program prioritas, salah satunya Program Adopsi Pohon. Program ini sangat bermanfaat bagi Taman Nasional antara lain

o   Pencegahan erosi tanah - pohon mencegah limpasan air hujan dan pengikisan tanah.
o Penghalang Banjir  - hutan sebagai fungsi kontrol aliran air yang pada gilirannya akan mencegah banjir dan meningkatkan kualitas air.
o   Oksigen (O2) produksi - sebuah pohon berdaun dewasa dapat menghasilkan O2 untuk 10 orang dalam setahun.
o   Carbon sink - pohon menyerap dan mengikat karbon dioksida (CO2), sebagai pencegahan pemanasan global, sehingga meningkatkan kualitas udara.
o  Konservasi keanekaragaman hayati – keanekaragaman kehidupan di Bumi, termasuk tumbuhan, hewan, semua habitat dan semua proses alam di mana mereka menjadi bagian, sangat penting untuk setiap aspek cara hidup manusia di seluruh dunia, menyediakan kita makanan, obat-obatan, udara bersih, air bersih dan banyak lagi.
o   Pemandanggan Indah - sumber daya alam yang terjaga memberi kita imbalan dalam bentuk pemandangan yang indah, yang berpotensi memiliki nilai ekonomi melalui ekowisata.
o Mata pencaharian berkelanjutan - cara terkontrol dan bertanggung jawab dalam memanfaatkan sumber daya alam secara berkelanjutan sebagai mata pencaharian masyarakat yang dapat diandalkan untuk setiap generasi.

Bagaimana peran masyarakat dan pemda setempat dalam mengembangkan daerah Taman Nasional Gunung Salak untuk kedepannya?
(1) Peran serta rakyat dalam konservasi sumber daya alam hayati dan ekosistemnya diarahkan dan digerakkan oleh Pemerintah melalui berbagai kegiatan yang berdaya guna dan berhasil guna seperti penanaman pohon atau reboisasi hutan kembali.
(2) Dalam mengembangkan peran serta rakyat, Pemerintah menumbuhkan dan meningkatkan sadar konservasi sumber daya alam hayati dan ekosistemnya di kalangan rakyat melalui pendidikan dan penyuluhan.